Artist Statement
Rachel Broussard is an artist working at the intersection of cultural memory and cultural futures as they work to bridge the gap between their slow-paced family traditions and what it means to be a human living during the accelerated anthropocene. Broussard’s most recent work After Aries and Faded Love explores grief and healing after losing her maternal grandmother to dementia. This is her most direct photo series, where she works with documenting quilted artifacts from her Mennonite family in combination with elements of the natural world surrounding the quilts and their homes. Broussard’s work is primarily photo-based and ranges from found photo collage sculptures, Climate Anxiety and Adaptation, to site-specific digital photo installations, Tabbouli Rose Window. They also bring in elements of performance and social practice like in their pieces Four Roses and How Much Parsley is in Your Tabbouli? In all of this work, Broussard asks the question, “how can we learn from our past while envisioning a better future for humanity and for the planet?”